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This trip is organized for students that dream about an adventure in the Rain Forest! You will go deep in the jungle, visit extremely wild spots, swim on waterfalls and rivers in amazing hiking trails.

More info>


In Central Brazil you will find one of the last explored natural reserves in Brazil and the biggest win life reserve in the Americas. Pantanal will offer you the opportunity of fishing piranhas, horse riding, observations of different birds species and exotic animals as armadillos, capybaras, anteaters, jaguars, and many others!

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro has attractions that give the city international fame. You probably heard of the Rio carnival, the most impressive popular party in the world? Or of Sugar Loaf and the statue of The Christ Redeemer? Or the beautiful beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, which inspired musicians around the world? Moreover, the Tijuca National Park largest nature reserve in urban region of the country? Rio is all that. 

The centenary city hosted the Federal government until 1960 when Brasilia, the current capital of the country, was inaugurated. Due to this concentration of power, its architectural features exhibits sumptuous and imposing buildings that hosted the nobility and the major figures of those times.

As its climate is warm and pleasant all the time, Rio does not depend on the seasons to attract visitors. Its attractions can be enjoyed at any time, always counting with the sympathy and the generosity of the “cariocas”, a special people.

With capacity, structure and great hospitality, Rio is ready to receive people from all over Brazil and the world with arms wide open!


It is the region know for its incredible culture, exotic cousin, warm beaches full of coconut trees and sand dunes. The inhabitants of “Nordeste”are great hosts and present visitor with a friendly and personal hospitality that is the heart of the region. They are happy and enthusiastic to teach you how to dance their music and show their local traditions along with the ocean, the sun and the music. 


It is a natural spectacle of 275 waterfalls together in an incredible display of beauty and power. It locates in the border of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina so you will have the chance to visit those other countries as well.

We will leave to FOZ DO IGUAÇU, in the state of Paraná, where we will visit beautiful attractions like the Iguaçu National Park’s forest, the Iguaçu waterfalls, the Three Borders Mark (between Paraguay, Argentina and Brasil).

Contemplate the waterfalls, the Itaipu Hydroelectric, visit Ciudad Del Este (Paraguay) and Puerto Iguazu (Argentina), its culture and lifestyle, visit one of the biggest artificial lakes in the world, see free animals in the forest at the National Park and stroll by the Iguaçu and Paraná lakes are some of our activities to learn about Foz do Iguaçu region.


Inscrições abertas para o Programa para julho de 2023.

O processo seletivo para 2025-2026 será realizado no dia 30 de novembro de 2024 na Fundação de Rotarianos de Brasília - SCES Trecho 3, Lote 6.

Atualizado em 25/07/2024

SCES Trecho 03 Lote 06 - Asa Sul, Brasília - DF - ​CEP 70200-003

Tel: (61) 99300-0080

Tel: (61) 99259-7369 (Whtasapp - Luciene)

Tel: (61) 99300-0080
(Whatsapp - Luiz Gustavo)

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